Can you spare a few hours once a week?
HQ - Positions
We are looking to build up our regular team of volunteers at Fat Fluffs Hq in Hampton in Arden. We have an amazing team but the increasing number of bunnies coming in with increasing health care requirements means we are being stretched. If you would be interested in becoming a part of the team please have a look at the vaccancies below and complete the relevant form and we will be in touch soon.
Our new Sponsor a Bun scheme gives you the opportunity to sponsor one of our Fat Fluff resident buns.
It costs just £24 a year to sponsor one of our bunnies, £2 a month, or become a general sponsor for £60 a year, £5 a month. All sponsor money for these buns will go directly towards their medical bills and vaccinations.
If you would like to support any of these bunnies then please email and we will get your sponsorship organised with you.
Payment can be made online (via a bank transfer), by cheque in the post or by standing order. Further details will be sent to you by e-mail once you have contacted us. Every penny makes a difference and makes the vet bills for these gorgeous buns that little bit easier on the rescue.
Sponsorship will include a photo, keyring, magnet, car sticker, certificates and updates throughout the year.
Erica joined the Sanctuary Fluffs in June 2022.
After arriving we found she had a persistent abscess in her left ear, despite it being operated on and removed, regular health checks were vital to avoid any future abscesses or infections. Erica’s ear still has a build up of fluid that requires regular cleaning.
As one of the sassiest and most beloved girls here at Fat Fluffs Erica receives all she could possibly need. From tasty treats and foraging snacks, to plenty of cheek rubs and of course access to a spacious ever changing and adapting enclosure.
Erica is certainly not a rabbit who’s easily bossed around, she is our stubborn sweetheart, keeping everyone in line whilst providing the best warm snuggles for the whole group as well as plenty of grooming time for the other fluffs.
If you’d be interested in sponsoring Erica please email, any donations will contribute towards vet trips and day to day upkeep, providing her with all a rabbit needs for a happy fulfilled life.
£24 a year or £2 a month
Sponsorship includes a photo, car sticker, keyring, magnet, certificates and updates throughout the year.

Micki joined our Fat Fluff family in September 2021, he arrived three times as fluffy and as sweet as ever. Micki suffers with suspected neurological issues, this means he needs a little extra support and care to help ensure he has the best quality of life possible.
When excited Micki runs round in circles due to mobility issues but this doesn’t hold him back from enjoying his happy life. He is part Angora and Lionhead which means his coat requires daily maintenance and regular upkeep, hence his many fluffy nicknames!
Luckily for us Micki is one of the most friendly explorative rabbits, he’s either out finding the juiciest spots of grass and leaves in the garden or promptly awaiting fuss on the humans arrival, a true sweetheart.
Micki may be one of our smallest fluffs, but his personality comes in heaps, he’s a friend to everyone and is always happy to warm the other fluffs up with his cuddles, his fur certainly provides enough warmth for the whole group!
If you’d be interested in sponsoring Micki please email, any donations will contribute toward his vet trips and day to day upkeep, providing him with all a rabbit needs for a happy fulfilled life.
£24 a year or £2 a month
Sponsorship includes a photo, car sticker, keyring, magnet, certificates and updates throughout the year.

Theo came to Fat Fluffs in August 2019, we found Theo had irregular teeth and so he became one of our permanent residents in the Fluffs.
Theo is one of our most sociable rabbits, always alert when visitors arrive ready for plenty of treats and fuss. You’ll find Theo sunbathing out in the garden on his wooden train or lounging in the most relaxed manor on his favourite little tree stump. If he’s not grooming one of his fellow fluffs then he’s having a groom himself by one of his good friends such as Erica, who he is usually not far from.
Theo is a larger than life character, always displaying his lovely characteristics throughout each and every day. He knows all the best spots around their enclosure both inside and out, which is why he’s eager to get outside first thing in the morning for a fun day bounding around the garden.
If you’d be interested in sponsoring Theo please email, any donations will contribute towards vet trips and day to day upkeep, providing him with all a rabbit needs for a happy fulfilled life.
£24 a year or £2 a month
Sponsorship includes a photo, car sticker, keyring, magnet, certificates and updates throughout the year.

Quinn first arrived at fat fluffs in September 2021 with her sister Ella. Quinn suffered with persistent ear infections which caused permanent head tilt. She requires daily medication to keep them at bay, so we felt she was best suited in our Fluff group to ensure she has the best quality of life.
Quinn is our sassy, loveable odds defying girl who took life in her stride and continues to impress us all with how truly resilient she is. Despite her condition Quinn is always first out ready for breakfast and shoots straight past the gate the second she hears it open each and every morning.
With heaps of personality Quinn plays a huge role in the fluffs. From Micki's snuggle buddy to treat supervisor when she hears the slightest rattle of treats, nothing gets past her!
If you’d be interested in sponsoring Quinn please email, any donations will contribute towards vet trips and day to day upkeep, providing her with all a rabbit needs for a happy fulfilled life.
£24 a year or £2 a month
Sponsorship includes a photo, car sticker, keyring, magnet, certificates and updates throughout the year.

Mae and Eli joined us in March 2022, They arrived at Fat Fluffs along with 6 other rabbits all of which were rescued from a meat farm that had been closed down. Various charities came together to ensure all the rabbits needing sanctuary were safe. Many had neurological problems such as Jack and Rose who lived the rest of their lives in safety and comfort here at Fat Fluffs.
Due to Mae and Eli’s start to life, they arrived incredibly timid and understandably untrustworthy of humans. Since they have certainly came into their own and have displayed two evergrowing and expanding personalities.
They can often be found huddled together in their indoor castle space, munching on all the forage and hay their hearts could desire as well as lounging out in their large garden in a spot they find particularly suited for digging purposes, one of their favourite outdoor activities.
They continue to surprise us with their growing confidence and adaption to the life they not only deserve but will soak up and enjoy for their remainder of their lives.
If you’d be interested in sponsoring both Mae and Eli please email, all donations will contribute towards their vet trips and day to day upkeep, providing them both with all a rabbit needs for a happy fulfilled life.
£24 a year or £2 a month
Sponsorship includes a photo, car sticker, keyring, magnet, certificates and updates throughout the year.

Fluffy came to us at Fat Fluffs in March 2022, after a trip to the vets found she was one of our ‘toothy’ rabbits, which meant she required regular trips to the vets to have her back teeth trimmed. This meant she was best suited to joining the fluffs to ensure she had a comfortable, happy life with all of her needs met.
Fluffy fits in perfectly with our other sassy girls, always keeping us on our toes. She can be found napping in some of the most peculiar places, sprawled out wherever she sees fit!
She is always happy to accept plenty of nose rubs and loves to supervise the humans whether it’s whilst we clean or gather fresh hay for the fluffs, she’ll surely be there to check it’s up to her standards!
If you’d be interested in sponsoring Fluffy please email, any donations will contribute towards vet trips and day to day upkeep, providing her with all a rabbit needs for a happy fulfilled life.

£24 a year or £2 a month
Sponsorship includes a photo, car sticker, keyring, magnet, certificates and updates throughout the year.
Simba and Martha are in long term foster care together.
They are about 11years old and suffer various ailments between them. Simba struggles with his breathing when he gets stressed and Martha has long term ear infection issues.
Despite their age they are a happy pair of bunnies who enjoy being out and about at home with their foster mum and bimbling around enjoying life as a retired couple.
They are gentle and easy going, love a good fuss and enjoy their treats. The simple things of life when you're enjoying the deserved spoilt life.
If you’d be interested in sponsoring Simba and Martha please email, any donations will contribute towards vet trips and day to day upkeep, providing him with all a rabbit needs for a happy fulfilled life.

£24 a year or £2 a month
Sponsorship includes a photo, car sticker, keyring, magnet, certificates and updates throughout the year.
Sparrow arrived at Fat Fluffs in 2023 from another rescue. He’s a very cheeky boy in all the best ways & has the funniest little bursts of energy. He’ll zoom around unaware of any other bunnies so completely occupied with his own joy and happiness!
Sparrow had his incisors removed before arriving to us due to continuous teeth issues. However, this certainly doesn’t effect his ability to chomp on long tasty strands of hay, snack on plenty of forage and of course inhale as many treats as possible – surprisingly finishing all of the above in a rapid time scale!
Sparrow was taken in by another rescue and then bought to us later on. When he arrived he was understandably timid and wary of his new environment, but soon settled in nicely and let us get to know his quirky little self. His favourite spot in the whole enclosure (garden included) is up on 'his' shelf, nestled on 'his' nice cosy bed. If you’re ever visiting and can’t seem to spot sparrow just have a look for his bed, no doubt he’ll be there!
If you’re interested in sponsoring the lovely Sparrow please email All donations contribute towards his vet trips and day to day upkeep, providing him with all a bunny needs for a happy fulfilled life.
Thank you - Grace

£24 a year or £2 a month
Sponsorship includes a photo, car sticker, keyring, magnet, certificates and updates throughout the year.
Chika arrived at Fat Fluffs in 2023. She was one of the most aggressive bunnies we’d taken in and seemed as though she’d never change.
Over a year and 18 new friends later and Chika is truly an entirely different bunny.
She’s still our strong willed, sassy girl but the type of sassy that’s happy to greet you at the door and loves a good nose rub once she’s devoured her breakfast. With her new posse of Ali, Eli and Mae, Chika has officially settled right in and continues to surprise us all with her ever adapting and expanding personality.
If you’re interested in sponsoring the lovely Chika please email all donations contribute towards her vet trips and day to day upkeep, providing him with all a rabbit needs for a happy fulfilled life.
Thank you - Grace

£24 a year or £2 a month
Sponsorship includes a photo, car sticker, keyring, magnet, certificates and updates throughout the year.
Angus is our cheeky, hardy yet affection loving boy. He came to Fat Fluffs in 2023 with his best friend Gertie. Since the pair have settled in wonderfully and are a huge part of our sanctuary bun group.
Angus has a slight attitude problem and can be quite difficult to handle at times. Once he became used to his normal routine and those working around (and for) him! He quickly found his place in the group and has since shown aspects of his personality we were yet to meet.
Angus can be found snuggled with one of his pals such as Baxter, Gertie or Moonlight - but generally he’s a friend to every bun and will happily spend his days relaxing, snacking and snuggling in all the best places.
If you’re interested in sponsoring the lovely Angus please email all donations contribute towards his vet trips and day to day upkeep, providing him with all a rabbit needs for a happy fulfilled life.
Thank you - Grace

£24 a year or £2 a month
Sponsorship includes a photo, car sticker, keyring, magnet, certificates and updates throughout the year.
Gertie joined Fat Fluffs in 2023 when she arrived with her best friend Angus. Gertie stands out in the group boldly with her heavy eye liner like features and adorable Lionhead characteristics. She’s one of our most affectionate, easy-going girls - which with all our sassy personalities, doesn’t happen often!
A while after Gertie arrived a lump began to form on her belly. This was quickly checked with a trip to the vets where she was booked in for surgery to have it removed. She came out the other side in typical Gertie fashion, unfazed and ready to tuck in to her dinner. We were very lucky we caught it early meaning Gertie could then resume her normal, happy, carefree lifestyle.
When she’s not sat snug nestled in her favourite bed, she’s snacking away in which ever hay rack provides her favourite stalky stems or out in the garden, stretched out and sunbathing. Either way, she’s always happy to greet visitors- even more so if they have a treat to hand!
If you’re interested in sponsoring the lovely Gertie please email all donations contribute towards his vet trips and day to day upkeep, providing him with all a rabbit needs for a happy fulfilled life.
Thank you - Grace

£24 a year or £2 a month
Sponsorship includes a photo, car sticker, keyring, magnet, certificates and updates throughout the year.
Oliver arrived at Fat Fluffs in early 2024. Since he’s demonstrated just how explorative bunnies can be! By this we mean getting into all the things he shouldn’t whilst seeming to be some kind of bunny acrobat!
Shortly after arriving we discovered he had shockingly overgrown teeth. After a quick check and tooth trim at the vet, we were told he had a calcified jaw. This meant he couldn’t be rehomed but could stay on with us as one of our Sanctuary buns.
Oliver is the gentleman of the group, always happy to help groom all his friends, although sometimes a little more than needed! If you find yourself in the fluff’s enclosure he’s easily identified as your shadow whilst you clean and the last one still snacking away after breakfast.
If you’re interested in sponsoring the lovely Oliver please email all donations contribute towards his vet trips and day to day upkeep, providing him with all a rabbit needs for a happy fulfilled life.
Thank you - Grace

£24 a year or £2 a month
Sponsorship includes a photo, car sticker, keyring, magnet, certificates and updates throughout the year.
Leo arrived at Fat Fluffs in 2023. Shortly after arriving he became one of our ‘toothy buns’ who require regular trips to the vets to have his teeth trimmed. Due to this, he stayed on with us as a sanctuary bun to ensure he receives all the right care needed.
Leo is our mad little bundle of springs. Always ready to head out to the garden in the mornings and good as gold when needing his routine meds or a check-up. He’s truly a pleasure to work with (or better yet - for!).
If he isn’t sat high and mighty in the highest bed he can find with the longest strand of hay he can manage, then he’s out and about exploring what Fat Fluffs has to offer in and outside, a very adventurous, quirky little guy.
If you’re interested in sponsoring little Leo please email all donations contribute towards his vet trips and day to day upkeep, providing him with all a rabbit needs for a happy fulfilled life.
Thank you - Grace

£24 a year or £2 a month
Sponsorship includes a photo, car sticker, keyring, magnet, certificates and updates throughout the year.
Isla is our sweet yet timid girl, she joined us here at fat fluffs in 2023. She’s the third netherland dwarf in the group and certainly gives Lunar and Leo a run for their money with her speediness!
Isla may be our shy girl, but this doesn’t stop her personality shining through daily. If she isn’t sunbathing out in the garden on an extra comfy spot or in a nice, shaded tunnel, then she’s tucked away in her favourite bed inside with Lunar, snacking on as much hay her heart could desire.
Isla suffers with permanent snottiness, which means she needs her daily groom/clean and medication to treat any flare ups whilst trying to keep any further issues at bay, to keep her comfortable, happy and content.
If you’re interested in sponsoring the lovely Isla please email all donations contribute towards her vet trips and day to day upkeep, providing him with all a rabbit needs for a happy fulfilled life.
Thank you - Grace

£24 a year or £2 a month
Sponsorship includes a photo, car sticker, keyring, magnet, certificates and updates throughout the year.
Ali is one of our more long-term residents. She originally arrived at Fat Fluffs in 2022. We were quick to discover she was quite the madam and after several failed attempts to rehome we found she was best suited as a Sanctuary bun here at Fat Fluffs.
With heaps of attitude and an adorable look to match! Ali claimed her place as Queen of the Fluffs almost immediately and none our other buns seemed to mind, after all, she was up for the job!
When visiting Fat Fluffs keep an eye out for Ali who is usually found flopped under her favourite hide outside, basking in the shade on a sunny day - or lined up with Chika, Eli and Mae on her favourite shelf, enjoying some delicious ready grass and a lovely nose and head rub.
If you’re interested in sponsoring the sassy yet sweet Ali please email all donations contribute towards his vet trips and day to day upkeep, providing him with all a rabbit needs for a happy fulfilled life.
Thank you - Grace

£24 a year or £2 a month
Sponsorship includes a photo, car sticker, keyring, magnet, certificates and updates throughout the year.