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HAYLA Adopted 2016

Writer's picture:

Adopted January 2016

After needing to move house and my much loved house rabbit Devon having to become an outdoor rabbit I was worried he wouldn't have the same amount of attention he'd been use to. He'd always lived indoors and after his companion Summer passing away the year before Devon became even more closer to myself and son.

As you can imagine I was heartbroken that he had to go and live outside and right in the middle of winter. My dad bless him spent time insulating a hutch and building a run for him but I was still very concerned. I was told about Fatfluffs and after looking at their web site I decided to contact them.

I spoke with Jackie one of the staff who was very knowledgeable and encouraged me to visit. The staff were all very friendly, I was amazed at the facilities the rabbits had and was encouraged to spend time fussing the rabbits. My house check went well with really useful tips (not feeding Devon a whole carrot each day!!!) and things I needed to put in place before I could choose a friend for Devon. Unfortunately due to it being close to Christmas by the time I had put in place the recommendations from my house check the bonding sessions between Devon and another rabbit would have been delayed until the new year.

As I was feeling stressed about Devon being on his own and outside I ignored the advice of Fat Fluffs that actually the Christmas period would also allow Devon and me time to settle into our new home and decided I couldn't wait to get a rabbit so got one on line from a breeder. Although the breeder was very caring and experienced, I was not and after a very short introduction between Devon and Maggie I purchased her.

Instead of following all the guidelines on introducing rabbits slowly with limit space and things they could become territorial of I left them too it!!! My poor rabbit Devon paid the price as after a few hours he had had his ear badly bitten and torn by Maggie. He was covered in blood and anxiously very shook up as was Maggie. I was obviously not ready to cope with taking on a new rabbit so sadly took Maggie back.

I contacted Jackie straight away and explained what had happened, she reassured me and suggested I waited until the new year and if I still wanted a friend for Devon then to call again then. Devon's ear had time to heel over the Christmas period and just as Jackie had said we were both more relaxed and ready to take on another rabbit.

I visited Fat Fluffs and spent time with the rabbits and fell for Hayla a gorgeous little girl rabbit. The staff arranged the bonding session to start that day and after 3 days Devon and Hayla were ready to come home. I continued to follow the advice when I brought them home and I'm happy to say are now a happy pair of bunnies, thank you Jackie and the rest of the staff at Fat Fluffs xx


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