Adopted Heather October 2010
I had been looking for a companion for my rabbit Jasper (female - uppy ears) for some time before stumbling upon Fat Fluffs when searching for rabbit rehoming online. I emailed Fat Fluffs asking for suitable husbuns and Chloe came back to me offering a lovely grey dwarf lop called Harrie as a good match.
I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the picture of him because he was so similar to Jasper (apart from the loppy ears)! I took Jasper to Fluffs HQ for bonding and was pleased to hear that they had got on well overnight. I collected them 24 hours after they met and brought them home. It wasn't quite love at first sight - Jasper seemed somewhat indifferent to her new friend but Harrie kept trying and I was very excited when a couple of days later his persistence was rewarded with a good wash from Jasper and then she cuddled up to him for an afternoon snooze.
There were a few issues surrounding food - Jasper isn't used to sharing and on one occasion took all the carrot pieces out of the bowl and sat on them so Harrie couldn't get any! However, Harrie has quickly caught on and now makes sure he gets his fair share.
Despite the early issues, they are now inseperable and Jasper is thrilled with her husbun. She has changed in character and seems much happier and easier to handle. Harrie is a very laid back and pleasant lad always looking for cuddles and nose rubs. They are a joy to watch both when they are binkying round the garden or just snuggled up with each other resting.
I'm very pleased with how things have worked out and am grateful we were able to give Harrie a loving home and Jasper the friend she deserves.