Adopted by Evelyn November 2011
I had never had a rabbit before as I grew up with many cats, so I did a lot of research on the internet into various breeds and breeders. After talking to a few it became apparent that a lot of the bunnies that were available from breeders were “spares” left over as they weren’t pretty enough or the correct colour.
Eventually I came across Fat Fluffs Rabbit Rescue and I knew that this was the place for me!
I adopted Bimble and Clova from Fat Fluffs last November (2011) and since then they have gone from strength to strength. Happy in their bunny mansion (they have their own shed and a 10 square metre run) they have become much less skittish and are now much happier being handled, they even sit on my lap every evening to eat their dinner. Since moving to our new house in January they have been able to roam the whole garden and they have really enjoyed being able to run around on the grass. They particularly like lounging on the patio slabs outside their shed in the sunshine.
Thank you Fat Fluffs for bringing my two fluffy friends into my life, they are wonderful and bring me a great deal of happiness. Thank you also for all of the help and support you have given me from start to finish, it has helped no end for a bunny novice like me.